Coaching Process
Questions and Answers
Coaching is an investment in your well-being with
an impressive cost-benefit ratio.
Coaching Process
Should you be interested in coaching support, please call my
office or send an e-mail request to office@leadership- to arrange for an initial telephone or Skype
discussion. There you can present the topics of concern you
wish to explore further and we jointly assess whether and
how I can support you. This initial discussion takes about 20
minutes and is at no cost to you.
During our first coaching session, we clarify the number and
frequency of future discussions. Depending on the topic,
between one and five sessions may be required that ideally
should take place in weekly intervals. The average duration
of a coaching session is 90 minutes. It is conducted either at
my office or via Skype; however, individual arrangements can
be made according to your needs. You name a topic that you
wish to explore and identify an envisaged result for the
entire coaching process as well as for the immediate
coaching session. I will choose appropriate systemic
interventions and methods to support your quest of finding
your own answers.
As coach, I am responsible for due process, you as client are
exclusively responsible for the coaching sessions’ content. At
the end of each session, you provide me with your personal
feedback pertaining to the effectiveness of the intervention
and, if deemed useful, we define action points for you to
work on ahead of the next coaching session. In most cases, it
takes only a few coaching sessions to obtain useful insights
and to create new perspectives for clients.
Coaching Questions and Answers
What is coaching?
Coaching is the solution of personal or work-related
problems or challenges that is tailored to the individual
needs of a client. The coach is responsible for posing
targeted questions, for making useful summaries of
statements made by the client, and for following a distinct
coaching process; the client is responsible for finding his own
unique solutions related to his situation. This approach
distinguishes coaching from consulting: A consultant
provides his solutions to a client. Coaching may turn into
consulting if that is the explicit wish of the client and if the
coach can provide a specific professional solution that is
rooted in his work experience. A coach will make the client
aware of this move from coaching to consulting and will seek
his explicit concurrence for such a step.
What is systemic coaching?
Systemic coaching is a method that supports the client in
activating his own existing strengths and resources and in
applying them to solve his problem.
Systemic means that not only the immediate aspects
influencing a client are of importance but that the context
that informs his situation – the “system” - has to be
considered as well. A systemic coach carefully explores the
interdependency between the system and a client for the
purpose of making existing resources available to the client.
How useful is coaching?
A coach accompanies a client during personal and
professional change processes. Coaching is useful for
anyone who wishes to obtain support during trying times or
professionally challenging situations; anyone who aspires to
achieve meaning in his life or who wishes to live more in sync
with his values; and anyone who seeks to further develop his
personality. Coaching supports people who wish to
consciously take charge of their lives. A coach is sparring
partner, active listener, provider of feedback, shaper of
processes, and inspiring motivator.
What can coaching achieve?
Coaching offers an opportunity to assess problems from
different angles and thus can contribute to clarifying a
wearying situation for a client. It is an effective method that
supports self-reflection. In a safe, trusted, and respectful
environment, individual roles can be reviewed, response
mechanisms can be questioned, and personal aims and
objectives can be identified and agreed to. By working in a
resource-oriented manner, the client learns about and
reactivates his personal strengths and competences and
thus expands his unique toolbox for solving his own
problems. He then can find fitting solutions for himself.
What does it take for a coach to be competent?
The job title “coach” is not yet legally protected. Therefore it
is advisable to check for the following professional skills to
guide your selection process:
Formal certification as systemic personal, business or
team coach from a recognized institution;
Scientific background and proof of psychological
Extensive professional experience in working with
people and in areas of your interest;
Personal maturity and life experience;
A high level of emotional and social intelligence;
Discretion, trustworthiness, integrity, and sympathy;
Transparency and financial accountability;
What is the difference between coaching and
Coaching is focusing on solutions and on better addressing
future challenges. It supports the client in finding his own
solutions to a current problem whereby he positively “re-
programmes” his response patterns to better address
situations that may occur in the future.
Therapy is focusing on problems, symptoms, and the past.
The aim of therapy is on improving the client’s health and on
freeing him from medical symptoms.
What does „solution-oriented work“ mean?
Coaching is focusing on finding solutions. By doing so, the
client is able to identify options that he can reflect upon
positively. Every problem already contains elements of a
possible solution.
What are resources?
Every human being has competencies and abilities at his
disposal that allow him to constructively deal with wearying
circumstances in live. These are capabilities the client
experiences as helpful within a specific context. Resource-
oriented work aims at focusing the client on his strengths,
abilities, and options and to assist him in developing and
activating needed resources for particular circumstances that
will enable him to consciously apply them to his own
© Leadership Advisers, Georgenstraße 35 / 719, 10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 1575 8228015